According to our By-Laws, to become a member, you must be;
SECTION 1 Any citizen of the United States 18 years old or older of suitable character and interest, after his application has been signed by an active member of the club and endorsed by another member and first read at a regular meeting of the club . After second reading at a board of Trustees meeting and proper investigation, and a majority vote of the Board of Trustees may be voted into membership.
Black River Game Club Membership Form
To apply for membership, fill out the above application, print then mail it along with a check to the address on the application. If you do not know any active members, arrangements can be made. (New fillable pdf form!)
Junior Members
For young people aged 8 through 17 we offer a Junior Membership. Juniors must be sponsored by an active member PARENT, GUARDIAN, or GRANDPARENT.
Proof of completion of a Hunter Education course is required.
Junior Membership is FREE.
Social Member
Black River Game Club has a new level of membership.
In recognition of those long-time members that no longer take to the field, but still enjoy to social and community service aspects of the club, we have instituted a Social Membership.
Social Memberships are open to current or former members who have at least five (5) years of membership in the club. Social Members are eligible for all duties and privileges of Regular Members with the EXCEPTIONS of hunting and/or trapping. All other duties and activities such as committees, bird releases, and other functions are open to Social Members.
Summery of Social Membership
Social Members must have AT LEAST 5 years of Regular Membership in BRGC.
Social Members shall have NO HUNTING or TRAPPING privileges.
Social Members will be entitled to all other privileges and duties of Regular Members.